International Cultural Exchange Program Participant.

Employer Requirements – To qualify, the international cultural exchange program must:

  • Share the culture of the alien’s country with the American public;
  • The program must take place where the public is exposed to the alien’s culture as part of a structured program, such as in a school, museum, business, or other qualifying establishment;
  • The employer must also attest that it will offer the participant wages and working conditions comparable to those accorded local domestic workers, and that it has the financial ability to do so.

Participant Requirements:

  • The program must take place where the public is exposed to the alien’s culture as part of a structured program, such as in a school, museum, business, or other qualifying establishment;
  • You must be able to perform the service or labor or receive the training specified in the petition;
  • You must be able to speak sufficient English to communicate effectively with the American public;
  • The cultural visitor participant’s employment may not be independent of the exchange program;

The applicant will be granted the visa for up to 15 months. Unfortunately, there is no visa available for the participant’s dependents. After the expiration of your Q-1 status, you must return home for at least 1 year before seeking another Q-1 visa.

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